Life at Eclipse

Musings on the Eclipse Foundation, the community and the ecosystem

We All Have Our Talents

So the staff of your friendly neighbourhood Eclipse Foundation honoured U.S. Thanksgiving last week with an afternoon of bowling. (That would be 5-pin to those not from Canada.) It was sort of like an Eclipse DemoCamp for the athletically challenged.

Apparently my misspent youth was worth something after all. I wasted quite a bit of time in my early teens hanging out at Hampton Lanes in the west end of Ottawa bowling, playing pinball and Pong, and eating quite possibly the greasiest onion rings in the history of man.

But it all came to a great result when yours truly won the combined high score award: a broken down, second hand bowling trophy that Lynn found on eBay and covered with Eclipse stickers. Now proudly displayed in my office, ready to be challenged for again next year.

Thanks go to Lynn and Sharon for organizing a fun afternoon!

Written by Mike Milinkovich

November 26, 2007 at 3:06 pm

Posted in Foundation