Life at Eclipse

Musings on the Eclipse Foundation, the community and the ecosystem

Fake Dan Quayle?

Could one of our EclipseCon keynoters have a secret 8 year plan in the works?

To be specific here I am not talking about Cory Doctorow, because, well, as far as I can tell Cory’s career path is to be Cory Doctorow. And I’m not talking about Sam Ramji although you have to believe that the half life of an open source proponent at Microsoft has gotta have its limits. I’m talking about Dan Lyons, better known as Fake Steve Jobs.

Based on his recent posts it’s pretty obvious to me what Dan is doing: he is lobbying hard to be Barack Obama’s running mate. Not only that, but like any good running mate, in his recent posts he has gone negative in a way that the candidate can’t. I mean plausible deniability is the name of the political game, right? Besides, given Obama’s obvious mastery of the internet, having an A-list blogger can only help his campaign. It’s a match made in heaven.

Since we still want Dan to show up at EclipseCon, we will be launching a “Dan4Veep” campaign at the conference. Keep tuned for more details. After all, with a role model to follow like the previous Dan in the VP office, Dan Lyons is a sure bet for the job.

EclipseCon 2008

Written by Mike Milinkovich

February 11, 2008 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Foundation